HomeResourcesLEAD California’s Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) Program

LEAD California’s Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) Program

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Description: LEAD California (formerly California Campus Compact) designed the Community/University Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) program, which focused on the integration of diversity and service-learning in higher education. The goal of the program was to encourage collaborative efforts between and across institutions around diversity and service-learning. By achieving this goal, we hoped to:
1. build the capacity of the independent sector of California higher education to increase focus on and integration of diversity and service-learning education.
2. prepare all students for participation and leadership in a diverse society.

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Seed Coalition strengthens the capacity of colleges and universities to fulfill the public purposes of higher education through its coalition of diverse college campuses in Iowa, Minnesota, and the Midwest. Our network includes rural and urban campuses, public universities and private colleges, community colleges, and trade schools.

We connect higher education professionals who work in the spaces of community and civic engagement and educate students through community and civic learning experiences. Learn about our mission and values and meet our members.

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