Program Coordinator • he/him

Ryan Frank

Ryan is a Program Coordinator with Seed Coalition and supports AmeriCorps programs across both states. In pursuit of his passion for social justice and equity work, Ryan spent a year as a VISTA member at Catherine McAuley Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Ryan graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and Spanish. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in School Counseling at the University of Iowa.

Contact Information

[email protected]
Seed Coalition Logo

Seed Coalition strengthens the capacity of colleges and universities to fulfill the public purposes of higher education through its coalition of diverse college campuses in Iowa, Minnesota, and the Midwest. Our network includes rural and urban campuses, public universities and private colleges, community colleges, and trade schools.

We connect higher education professionals who work in the spaces of community and civic engagement and educate students through community and civic learning experiences. Learn about our mission and values and meet our members.

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