Description: The Individual Civic Action Plan is a tool designed by Seed Coalition staff to help program participants become social change agents in their communities. This tool is best complemented by the Civic Competencies framework and Social Change Wheel. Individual-Civic-Action-Plan-April-2021-versionDownload
Diving Deep in Community Engagement: A Model for Professional Development
Description: In Summer 2013, a group of practitioner-scholars in higher education community engagement committed to developing a new resource to help guide professional development, career advancement, and unit guidance in the civic and community engagement field. Through a collective process, they developed a framework of competencies for community engagement professionals. These four areas, as outlined [...]
Communicating Effectively about Community Engagement in Higher Education
Description: This toolkit provides guidance for a community engagement professionals, campus communications professionals, campus administrators, and others involved in telling the story of higher education community engagement. It is the work product of the 2017-18 Minnesota Campus Compact Communications Task Force. We thank all those who participated for their contributions. 2018_MNCC_CEP_CommunicationsToolkitDownload
Civic Minded Resume
Description: Based on the Civic-Minded Professionals rubric, Iowa Campus Compact developed a toolkit for higher education professionals to help students better translate their community engagement experiences into the professional sphere. CivicMindedResumeDownload
Civic Competencies Framework
Description: The Civic Competencies framework outlines how we hope students, AmeriCorps members, and interns explore and develop their civic capacity in Seed Coalition programs. This framework pulls from key concepts in the field of higher education and civic engagement, including the Active Citizen Continuum and the Civic Minded Graduate, to provide structure for our programs. [...]
Perceptions of Partnership: A study on nonprofit and higher education collaboration
Description: This study and its recommendations build on this work: centering community-campus partnerships as the unit of analysis from the perspective of staff from community-based organizations. This allowed for new insight into characteristics of effective partnerships and how they are achieved. Participation was purposefully open to CBOs with varying degrees of partnership with higher education, [...]