Description: Commissioned by the US Department of Education, this major report responds to a national discourse that effectively limits the mission of higher education to workforce preparation and training, while marginalizing disciplines basic to democracy. The task force exhorts educators and public leaders to advance an educational vision that would make civic learning and democratic [...]

Community-Engaged Alliance: Publishing Resources
Description: Community-Engaged Alliance encourages faculty, staff, and students from their member institutions to publish their work. Linked below is a list of academic publications that focus on, or frequently publish, work related to civic engagement, service-learning, high-impact practices, university-community relations, etc. The two journals highlighted at the top of the page are published at CEA [...]

LEAD California’s Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) Program
Description: LEAD California (formerly California Campus Compact) designed the Community/University Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) program, which focused on the integration of diversity and service-learning in higher education. The goal of the program was to encourage collaborative efforts between and across institutions around diversity and service-learning. By achieving this goal, we hoped to: [...]