Description: The guide contains information and resources for university researchers and research partners thinking about doing research in any discipline that involves or impacts Tribal nations, Indigenous communities, Indigenous peoples, Indigenous lands, territories, policies, histories, wisdom, cultures, experiences or knowledge systems. Download the Report

Conducting Research through an Anti-Racism Lens
Description: This guide was developed in response to librarians fielding multiple requests from UMN researchers looking to incorporate anti-racism into their research practices. Conducting research through an anti-racism lens is a long-term and ongoing process and must be considered as part of a complex system which oppresses people and groups in multifaceted ways (i.e., classism, [...]

LEAD California’s Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) Program
Description: LEAD California (formerly California Campus Compact) designed the Community/University Initiative on Diversity, Equity, and Service (IDEAS) program, which focused on the integration of diversity and service-learning in higher education. The goal of the program was to encourage collaborative efforts between and across institutions around diversity and service-learning. By achieving this goal, we hoped to: [...]