Louise Ba ’24, a student at St. Catherine University in Saint Paul, was selected as a Newman Fellow in 2022. The experience of convening with the Newman Fellows in Boston, Massachusetts that year allowed Ms. Ba to meet people from across the globe who served as inspiration and a source of community – one she [...]

Countdown To Coalition Series Part 2: Strengthening Education Through Community And Civic Engagement
In our countdown toward unveiling our new organizational identity and our movement towards identifying as a Coalition, we reached out to Paula O’Loughlin, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs at Augsburg University. Our Director of Member Services, Kara Trebil-Smith, asked Paula to help us explore the idea of how specifically civic [...]

Vista Member Highlight: Emma Ware At Central College
This year, Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact has the privilege to sponsor AmeriCorps VISTA members at 15 sites across Minnesota and Iowa. This month, we are honored to highlight one of our VISTAs, Emma Ware, who is currently serving at Central College. So far during her term, Emma has led some amazing initiatives and projects, [...]

Embracing Change and Coalition Building
As many of you know, Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact is in the midst of some big and exciting changes. On July 1, 2024, Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact’s affiliate status with Campus Compact will end. While our mission and work will remain the same, we will emerge from the disaffiliation process with a new [...]

Campus Visit: College of St. Scholastica
A reflection from Executive Director, Rob Barron I tell people often that my favorite part of my job is visiting campuses across Iowa and Minnesota. As beautiful as your places to work often are, and as much as the foodie in me likes hunting out fun places to eat, the reason I love these visits [...]

Reflection on Service to Mark Hispanic Heritage Month
A message from Executive Director, Rob Barron In three days, we will mark the beginning of the 2023 Hispanic Heritage Month, an opportunity to share culture and celebrate the achievements of Latinos in our community. I am proud of my Latino heritage and these thirty days are always special for me. They represent an opportunity [...]