HomeNewsVista Member Highlight: Emma Ware At Central College

Vista Member Highlight: Emma Ware At Central College

This year, Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact has the privilege to sponsor AmeriCorps VISTA members at 15 sites across Minnesota and Iowa. This month, we are honored to highlight one of our VISTAs, Emma Ware, who is currently serving at Central College. So far during her term, Emma has led some amazing initiatives and projects, including a campus-wide service day, one of Central College’s favorite traditions!

Emma had the opportunity to coordinate the day of service for 2023. On October 3, more than 600 Central students, staff, and faculty were sent out to volunteer with over 40 local nonprofit community partners. Volunteers assisted in outdoor preservation, remodeling buildings, activities with older adults and youth, animal clean up, and other activities. The economic impact was one of the largest yet, with estimates of the effort being close to $60,000. 

People standing in a field.
A group of two dozen students and volunteers from Central College stand in a line outdoors during service day. Many are holding materials and wearing gloves for the project in which they are engaging.

Emma states: “I am so thankful for all the participation from Central’s campus and the community. Without their support, I would not have been able to organize and carry on this AMAZING tradition. Thus far, I have really enjoyed my role as the Outreach and Volunteer Recruitment VISTA here at Central! I am looking forward to continuing the coordination of youth visits, academic service-learning, and planning service projects throughout the next eight months.”

Thank you, Emma, for your VISTA service! We are so excited to see the ways in which you will continue to impact the Central College community. 



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